Caregiver Wellness

Lesson Outline
Being a caregiver for a person with dementia is one of the most challenging roles in our society. Caregivers of people with dementia are known to more likely experience physical and psychological stress, anxiety and depression.
Some of the keys to caregiver wellness include:
- maintaining good health
- taking regular breaks
- finding supports
- avoiding social isolation
- understanding dementia better
- learning how to deal with guilt
With increased knowledge about dementia and practical and emotional supports, caregivers can be helped to lead the best lives they possibly can.
Learn the answers to the following questions:
Why is caregiver wellness so important?
As a caregiver, what should you do to help yourself?
Where can you find support?
Lesson Resources
Here are some other resources about this topic that you may find helpful after completing this lesson.
Taking Care of You: Self-Care for Family Caregivers
Learn to identify any personal barriers you may have to good self-care and discover 7 effective tools that can be used to help you care for yourself.
Visit WebsiteCaregiver Stress Checklist
Identify how stress may be affecting your life with this simple checklist.
Download PDFHuddol
This online community gives caregivers of persons with dementia a way to connect with others sharing the same experience.
Visit WebsiteCoping with Caregiving - Providing Effective Care for a Person with Dementia
Watch this 45 minute archive presentation of our live event where the importance of caregiver wellness is discussed by our experts. A 15 minute discussio is followed by 30 minutes of answers to questions posed by viewers.
Watch Video10 Tips to Help Caregivers Stay in the Moment
With practice, these 10 tips from Sinai Health System can help to reduce stress and help you be kinder to yourself and to others.
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